Build Your Wild Self

By Meera Dolasia

Build Your Wild Self

Ever wondered how you would look if you were an elephant, hissing cobra, bison or a combination of all sorts of wild animals - Well wonder no more. This fun site will help you create the exact image you want and even place you in the kind of jungle you want to live in! The best part is, you can save and e-mail the 'new and improved' you to friends and family.

Go to kids site
  • hottyover 13 years
    sooooooooooo coooooooooooooooooooool
    • justin bieberover 13 years
      i love this site
      • cutepiehotover 13 years
        • Javi Matiasover 13 years
          this is so boring
          • TAYLAover 13 years
            • moo mooover 13 years
              coolie o
              • sophieover 13 years
                cool i love it
                • Avaover 13 years
                  SOOO sorry I forgot to put my picture on gyes x
                  • april <3l>over 13 years
                    its zooo cool
                    • Avaover 13 years

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